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Squat Solutions



You and your client are excited to start your first day of training. The client is a bit hesitant, “can they actually do it this time?”, “will they be successful where they failed before?” You are thinking of all the amazing concepts and lessons of functional fitness you will be able to share with them. The great transformations you will accomplish together.


Then you do it, you ask them to body weight squat and both of you get serious questions about the success that can be achieved. The client finds it painful to squat, you as the coach, look at all the issues of compensation that slapped you in the face in just a few squats. MAYBE you can transform them, but you are thinking this is going to take weeks, possibly months to make it better. Will your client stay for that long?


Let’s face it, you both want success. More and more clients want to see success sooner than later. Training for a lot of people is a luxury, so being able to show results is key. You as the coach, you want to deliver all the promises you made to them during the consultation. Of course you want to be the solution to their issues. Can you deliver quickly though, the pressure is on!


What changed a lot for me as a coach is realizing these challenges. When people tell me, “everything works”, I think, “yea, but some things work better!” That’s an important difference because we don’t have the time to do EVERYTHING, we as the professional, have to decide on the BEST things to do with the client.


Understanding functional training concepts allow you to accomplish just that. Otherwise you are left with a whole bunch of great ideas, but not knowing where in the world to start. When it comes to solving squats, it isn’t as daunting as you may think!


Start from the Ground Up!


Every exercise, but especially any standing one, begins from the ground up. That is because this is where force first enters our body. Most people are taught to squat by first “pushing their hips back”, or doing something with their knees. In reality, we need to get them to understand how to use their feet FIRST! How do we do that? Using mini bands can be a great way to help people not only how to use their glutes, but their feet as well!


Get the Core Active


Core doesn’t refer to just abs. There are about 35 muscles that are considered part of the core. Knowing the old PNF concept that “proximal stability for distal mobility” helps us understand that our body moves better WITH core activation and that often means with load.


Yes, just about everyone moves better with weight because the tension we can create allows us to develop the core stability that allows for proper movement. Of course, it isn’t just about using any weight, or any old way. Being deliberate and purposeful with how we place the weight on the body and how we hold the weight plays a huge role in how we can save one’s squat fast!


Create Magic


The progressions and more importantly, the concepts, that we break down in this month’s Metabolic Stability allow you to literally transform one’s squat in minutes. Will it be perfect? Maybe, but it will definitely be better. When a client can see and experience better fast they develop buy in to you that noting else can create. Having the client believe they can be successful is a key in helping you have a successful business and helping people in the way that truly motivates you!


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    Josh Henkin, CSCS is an international presenter and strength coach who has taught in over 13 countries worldwide and consulted with some of the top fitness and performance programs in the world. Don’t miss his upcoming DVRT educational programs HERE.

