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Party for Two – Get Fit and Feel Strong with this Lebert Equalizer Partner Workout!

By Marc Lebert



This workout was designed to be both fun and effec­tive. Having a partner increases accountability and intensity—and bodyweight training engages the core, is highly functional and can be as challenging as you want to make it!


Because Nichelle and I are working together there are limited breaks and a great variety of muscle activation (isotonic, isometric, core activation, bal­ance) and lots of communication.


We had a blast with these partner exercises and I know you will too! Now grab your Lebert EQualizers, your workout partner, and let’s go!


*Perform each exercise for eight to 15 reps*

1. Alternating Incline Chest Press


Works chest, shoulders, triceps and core


With the Lebert EQualizers parallel to each other, place your hands on the outside curve of the bars. On your toes and keeping your back straight, slowly lower until your arms are bent to 90°, pause and press up. Keep your neck straight by looking out slightly in front of you. Hold at the top position and wait for your partner to go!


Regression: place one foot forward.
Progression: single-leg or spider man (knee come to elbow at the bottom of the push up).




2. Tricep Dips


Dip partner works shoulders, triceps and hamstrings
The holder works quads, glutes and biceps


With the Lebert EQualizers parallel to each other and standing between them, place your hands on the foam grips. Place your heels in your partner’s hands (one leg at a time) and make sure your shoulders are back and down. Slowly lower until arms are bent at 90°, pause and press up. Your partner is holding an isometric squat and bicep curl. Switch positions with your partner after you complete your reps.


Regression: leg assisted dips with feet on the floor and knees bent. Partner performs jumping jacks.
Progression: pause at the bottom and come up quickly.




3. Partner Inverted Rows


Row partner works back, rear delts, biceps and hamstrings
The holder is working quads, glutes and biceps


Place the Lebert EQualizers close to each other with one set of feet touching and open about one foot on the other end. Lie down between them with your head just past the feet that are touching. Grip the foam handles and your partner (holding a static lunge/bicep curl position) will hold your feet (make sure to keep your knees soft). Pull yourself up as high as you can keeping your head and hips in the same line. Pause at the top and slowly lower. Switch positions with your partner after you complete your reps.


Regression: place feet on the floor with knees bent and hips up—then row. Partner cheers you on!
Progression: add a few more reps.




4. Partner Split Squats


Works quads, glutes and core


Stand in front of the EQualizer and place shoelaces (top of shoe) on foam pad. Take your partner’s hand and slowly lower together until your front knee is at a 90° bend. Pause and come back up.


Regression: have partner assist you and then they go after you.
Progression: There’s lots of options! Add a little hop at the top or add a light push against your partner’s hand for added reactivity, resistance and balance!




5. Alternating Pull-up and Push-up


Pull-up partner works back, rear delts and hamstrings
Push-up partner works chest, shoulders, triceps and core


Place a single Lebert EQualizer on its side with your hands on the bar in a push-up position. Make sure your shoulders are directly over your hands, with your back straight and your abs tight. Have your partner lie down between a single EQualizer bar with it over their upper chest. Grip the EQualizer (underhand, overhand or staggered grip) and place feet/legs on your partner’s mid back/butt. Pull yourself up as high as you can keeping your head and hips in the same line. Now hold at the top while partner performs a push-up. Switch positions with your partner after you complete your reps.


Regression: perform each exercise individually.
Progression: none.




